Sunday, June 18, 2006

Timmy the tornado

Wow, this week has been a week for Timothy to be revoltingly naughty. He has scribbled all over the screen of my lap top with pencil. I cleaned that off. He trampled all through the garden beds after planting seeds and telling him not to. He spilled cordial over both lounges and the floor rug early one morning (we were all still in bed). He pulled off almost all the keys from laptop - I caught him doing this and as he pulled a key off he threw it over his shoulder saying "whoopsidaisy". I have all the keys back on bar the backspace. Grrr. He spilled milk on the rug yesterday morning (once again he was wake and we were still in bed). So now I am getting up with him. 5:30 am when most mornings here are still in the minus. BRRRRRR!

I hear him browsing the fridge - I'd better go and rescue what ever he is holding hostage.

1 comment:

fazzbech said...

Oh no Jane! - here's hoping it's just phase and that it'll be over soon. I've had a naughty, grizzly one myself this past week, and looking forward to next week (I think)?!