Saturday, November 24, 2007

But wait there's more

Here's what I have been doing using Alma's products!

credits here

credits here

More Exciting News!

I am also part of Tara's army too! That is creative team for Tara Dunstan over at pickleberrypop.

Here is my first LO "vroom vroom" using her designs. credits here

Exciting News!

I am now a member of the designs in digital creative team.

Here is my first LO Chocolate TreesCredits Here


Have you ever had those times when you just want to king hit someone? Well that moment came tonight - but I have worked through it and nobody will get hurt! DH said at sometine that he would have to work this afternoon. Hmm try 8:00pm tonight. At first he said that it wouold be from home and only half an hour - well now he is at his office and it is beyond that half hour. It also MY night - the one where he takes the two oldest to sleep in the caravan and watch a DVD while I do what I want. HA HA HA HA well, I'm in the caravan with Finding Nemo, a owl of pop corn, two boys and my laptop. GRRRRRRR!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Did ya guess yet?

If anyone has seen my siggy floating around digi world you most likely have guessed that I am now on the CT of Alma Townsend of The Scrap Habit.

Here are some LO's using her Harvest of Thanks kit.

credits here

credits here

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

whistling a little tune and playing dumb

Why? I know sumthn' and I can't tell you yet! Exciting news for me anyway. When I can spill the beans I will.

What did I do for DSD? I made a quick page over at SBB - kinda proud of myself on that. This is it here ==>

I based this on another LO I had made which you can see here in my gallery at PBP.

Yesterday was a public holiday in Canberra - a make up holiday to replace a labour picinic day that was scrapped by the new IR laws. It was a "family" day but really it is a Melbourne Cup Day holiday. We took the kids to a friend's place for afternoon tea and a play - we completely forgot that the race was on.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Well there you go ANOTHER new blog banner - once again reinventing the wheel so to speak.

Time just seems to get away from me. I have not posted anymore CT LO's for Chris Turnball and sadly now she has retired. Sad sad news there (although old news now). I have completely missed the boat with October and the whole excitement on being on Kaye Winecki's CT as a guest. Anyways if you look to the side ====> you'll see my "Creating Resume" with blinkies underneath click on that designer and you'll get to my gallery.

Well have updated the look of my blog. Why? Because I can. I need to fix up a couple more things and should be done.

You know when you have one of those weeks? I seem to be having one of them. DH has been extremely busy with work taking on the work load of three. This means that we are not sharing school/preschool drop offs in the morning so poor AJ as been late pretty much everyday. Even when we have to just drop him off. They seem to sense that I am stressed and they are behaving accordingly. I can completely understand why some animals eat their young at birth!

I actually lost it this morning and cried as I drove to school - I was just so fed up with their antics. Timmy was revved up as it was his first kinder orientation morning so it didn't help matters. AJ refused to put his shoes on because he hadn't has his milk. Oh and Will had pooed his nappy (I changed him when we got to school).

Timmy had a great morning with the activities they did with the three kinder teachers. Will wasn't too bad either - I only had to take him outside once for a walk.

We have Little Athletics this afternoon instead of the usual Saturday morning. I hope DH makes it in time - I don't particularly feel like wrangling Timmy and Will around the oval by myself while AJ is competeing.


Oh yeah Happy Birthday Mum for today and Happy Birthday to Dad for Wednesday.