I still am battling with my lack of exercise and weight gain. :(
I was supposed to go to a cocktail party last week for work - NONE of my dresses fitted me and I did not want to go and buy a dress to cover it up.
I am going to Adelaide next weekend with darling beloved and I need a dress for the dinner out. I know I will not loose enough to get into anything so I bought one of those "slimming" undergraments - kinda like being squeezed into a sausage skin. I managed to look kinda OK in ONE dress. It is too high in the back for my favourite Diana Ferari cocktail dress and it also makes my chest look abnormal in it.
I have started slowly getting back into the fitness thing - for the last three weeks I have cycled to and from school on Wednesday afternoons, towing the bike trailer with Will on the way and Will and Tim on the way back. I also have started doing sit ups again too.
I stacked my bike big time yesterday. I took a turn too sharp and caught the trailer on a febce which of course stopped me in my tracks, having my feet in their straps I couldn't bail out quickly, so just fell off. I now have quite an impressive bruise on my upper left thigh!